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Safe Hotel Policies

Need for Safe Hotel Policies for Unmarried Couples

Dating, relationships, romantic getaways for unmarried couples…all this is not as uncommon as it was a few years ago. As a country, India is moving towards modernization in the relationship space quite rapidly. Our lives have changed, a significant number of upper-middle class families have begun accepting the fact that their kids are ‘dating’ and many middle class families have started becoming open to the idea of the special ‘friends’ their kids have.

With all of this progressive thought coming to the foreground, there is, but naturally, a segment of people that firmly believe that this is detrimental to our roots, traditions, culture and possibly even decency of society. That is precisely one of the very many reasons that hotels for unmarried couples are so hard to find. While you may find a few, to ascertain their safety is a whole other task in itself. 

Love in our country is still limited by a wide range of dos and don'ts, and it is still bound by the boundaries and invisible shackles put in place by society's gatekeepers. It is no secret that even married couples think twice before walking hand in hand or spending sweet moments of togetherness in parks with their partner. 

So when an unmarried couple rents a private hotel room for a few hours in order to have some privacy, they are always interrogated by hostile hotel officials. The concept of couple friendly rooms is so hard to come by, that oftentimes, the simple ask of an early check in for an unmarried couple turns into a moral lecture followed by some blackmail. 

Many of us are aware of the fact that most hotels refuse to rent rooms to unmarried couples, for fear of judgement from people and for the sake of the hotel's image. The situation is so terrible, that many times, the police work hand in hand with hotel owners to arrest couples who are enjoying personal moments behind the locked doors of a hotel room. 

More than the inconvenience of it all, the safety of the people booking the hotel room is the issue that needs to be addressed here. We may have read several news articles about cops pulling out unmarried couples who had booked perfectly legal couple friendly rooms in a hotel, but were rudely escorted away in shame and lectured about their morals. 

This ill-treatment of consenting adults is worrisome and unethical, and Qwiksta is determined to support the needs of the current times by providing hotels for unmarried couples and couple friendly hotels, to those who seek it. 

Nearly every day, numerous similar events occur, with unmarried couples bearing the brunt of the consequences. But what those individuals didn't realise at the time was that reserving a hotel room for spending some quality time with your partner was completely legal!

When hoteliers claim that they are not allowed to offer rooms to unmarried couples, they are lying outright. There isn't a single legislation that says an unmarried couple can't remain together in a hotel. Judges and prominent legal names have flatly ascertained that there is no rule prohibiting hotels, lodges, and guesthouses from providing rooms to unmarried couples.

We respect that hotels have the option to accept or deny unmarried couples to stay in their establishment, and have thus partnered with the ones who have committed privacy, safety and no judgements being met out to any guest in their premises. 

The hotel and hospitality industry is adapting to society's shifting needs. Hourly hotels that are available to many couples and other travellers needing a place for a short duration are not only nice and safe, but they are also located in ideal areas, offering all basic amenities. A couple may unwind and enjoy themselves for a few hours or days without fear of being criticised and harassed. 

So if you’re still worrying about booking a hotel room with your significant other, look no further than Qwiksta. We know you are looking for couple friendly rooms that are safe and private, and we got you covered!