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Struggle of Unmarried Couples To Book Hourly Hotel Rooms

Why Do Unmarried Couples Struggle to Book Hourly Hotel Rooms?

Everyone says that India is changing and evolving. While this may be true in some regards, and we may have seen a significant transformation in the way we live, dress, what we see as acceptable in society is still evolving. Our outlook and perspective on a variety of issues that affect our everyday lives has started changing in some aspects, however one thing has stayed constant, the scrutiny and judgement posed on couples. Unmarried couples are still bound by numerous dos and don'ts, being constantly analysed by society's gatekeepers. So much so, that walking hand in hand or spending quality time in parks with a partner - even between two consenting adults is often frowned upon. 

In order to get some much needed privacy, if an innocent unmarried couple books hourly rooms for their use, they are viewed suspiciously and questioned by the unwelcoming and unfriendly hotel authorities. Additionally, it is quite common for local police to get involved and “moral police” the guests, creating additional issues.

It is no surprise that because of this, unmarried couples have nowhere to go, and are unable to find privacy to spend their time together. The concept of couple friendly hotels where unmarried couples can stay in a hotel is relatively new to India. 

There are countless incidents which happen every day where rooms for couples on hourly basis are given out, but at the last moment the authorities stop them from checking in. The refusal by hotels to allow unmarried couples to share rooms despite no official guidelines or laws is a case of moral policing and which can be extremely embarrassing for the consenting adults and their families.

So how do you make sure you book a couple friendly room without hassle?

  1. There are several couple friendly hotels in Mumbai, Delhi and other places in India which rent rooms to couples without hassle. You can choose online room booking as an option and filter your search results by choosing couple friendly hotels before you make your booking. Portals like Qwiksta allow you to book the hotel room securely without asking uncomfortable questions, and what’s more you are only booking hotels on hourly basis.
  2. The second most important thing is to read all the hotel policies carefully. Making sure that unmarried couples will be allowed in hotels, and no miscommunication will ensue once you have arrived is critical. 
  3. Be aware of your rights as a citizen, and don't fear when booking a hotel room so that no one can bully you or blackmail you for things you are not guilty of doing.
  4. In case you are an unmarried couple and decide to book hotels by hour choosing rooms for couples, you must carry your identification proofs with you. You are expected to carry a valid government ID proof at the time of check-in. The hotel authorities will keep a scanned copy of the ID and give you back your original documents. 
  5. While there is no law stating that unmarried couples cannot book a hotel room, remember that if you and your partner are under 18 years, you cannot book a room in India. Only couples who are above 18 years old can book a couple friendly room - at the discretion of the hotel authorities. 

Rest assured that Qwiksta is committed to ensuring that couple friendly hotels in Mumbai on hourly basis are a reality. Not only that, Qwiksta has 400+ hotels listed across the country, and many of the top hotels opting for hourly rooms with us will ensure you pay only for the hours you spend in the hotels, without feeling the judgement that others will subject you to.